Flow Gallery Social Feed

Flow Gallery extension for pulling Facebook, Instagram, Dribble, Pinterest feeds


Gallery Demos

Key Features

Facebook Feed

Pull photos, videos, album and albums from user.

Instagram Feed

Pull photos from user, tag, or those that are popular.

Dribbble Feed

Pull shots from user, lists, buckets, or projects.

Pinterest Feed

Pull pins from user or boards.

Item Properties

Upload date, likes, views, avatars (as and when applicable) for items are shown.

Sort Options

Sort items based on their upload date, likes, views, as well as title.

Titles & Descriptions

Item titles and descriptions are pulled from Facebook/Instagram/Dribbble/Pinterest.

Cache Data

Cache feed data for faster loading of gallery and prevent crossing API call limit.

Flow Gallery Settings

All settings/options of the Flow Gallery jQuery plugin can be used.

All Configurable Options