Flow Gallery Video Feed

Flow Gallery extension for pulling Youtube, Vimeo, Dailymotion feeds


Gallery Demos

Key Features

Youtube Feed

Pull videos from text search, user, or playlist.

Vimeo Feed

Pull videos from user, album, or channel.

Dailymotion Feed

Pull videos from user, channel, group, or playlist.

Video Properties

Video duration, upload date and views are shown in the gallery.

Sort Options

Sort videos based on their upload date, ratings, views, duration, as well as title.

Filter Options

Filter videos based on the availability of HD version and being of long or short duration.

Titles & Descriptions

Video titles and descriptions are pulled from Youtube/Vimeo/Dailymotion.

Cache Data

Cache feed data for faster loading of gallery and prevent crossing API call limit.

Flow Gallery Settings

All settings/options of the Flow Gallery jQuery plugin can be used.

All Configurable Options